Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Screech of Death

Insulin pumps are not new technology, but a pump is new technology in our house. For a little over four years, we managed C's diabetes with multiple daily injections. But C finally (FINALLY!!) agreed to an insulin pump at the end of the summer. After clearing all the insurance red tape and getting a training time, she has been pumping for just under two weeks.It is awesome, but that's not what this post is about. This post is about the Screech of Death, so let's get to that, shall we?

Last night the kids were playing in the back yard while the hubs and I sat on the swing.The neighbor has a work van which makes that beep, beep, beep sound when it backs up, and since he had been driving that thing back and forth on his driveway (don't ask ... I don't know either), I had started to tune out odd noises. However, I started to notice a high-pitched whining noise. It sounded like what I imagine a dog whistle sounds like to dogs. The hubs and I couldn't place it, so we dismissed it. I thought another neighbor must be out doing work with power tools or something. I tuned that noise out, too, and kept working on my scarf and chatting with the hubs.

A good five minutes later I realized it was still there. I also realized it was getting louder as C got closer to me. And it hit me - that is not a neighbor; that is the Screech of Death! 

I should mention here that at our training a week and a half ago, the Certified Diabetes Educator told us that if the insulin pump failed ... if it stopped delivering insulin for any reason ... it would "scream" at us. I had apparently forgotten that part of the training.

We checked it and her pump had, indeed, failed. The insulin was no longer able to get into her body, so it did what it is programmed to do ... it emitted the Screech of Death so we would know to take care of it. It wasn't as epic as I thought it would be. I imagined having to cover my ears or they would bleed. I mean, a stop in insulin delivery is a pretty big deal. There should be flashing lights and sirens. But what I got was the annoying sound of a mosquito buzzing in my ear. The Screech of Death did not meet my expectations of the epicness it should be. (Did anyone from Insulet take a note just then? Because someone over there should have.)

We got the pump changed and the screeching stopped, but I'm a little disappointed that we were able to stop it. I have heard tales of pumps that wouldn't quit screeching, so the owner took a hammer to it. I imagine that when it happens to me, I'll be bashing it to pieces while screaming, "Die! Die! Die!" Free therapy, I think.I can't wait.

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