Every third day we change C's insulin pump, and every third night I am up every two hours trying to get her blood sugar back down. Pod change nights always result in her blood sugar struggling to get out of the 300s. My goodness, it is exhausting ... and frustrating.
I just want to slap her pump and tell it to pull itself together while violently shaking it. We pay good money for you so work, darn it!
We will conquer this. We've already started trying some new tricks that the pump allows me to try, but we need to keep tweaking and adjusting those little tricks until we find something which works for her. Until then, though, I will continue to buy black tea in bulk (you know, some days I wish I was a coffee drinker) and set my alarm for every 120 minutes.
And if any of you are worried about how these frequent checks affect C, no worries. She told me the other day she doesn't mind when I check her in the middle of the night because even if she does wake up, she never remembers. Thanks, girly. Your support and understanding is greatly appreciated.
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